
Monica Mastrantonio

We offer comprehensive online mental health treatment options to meet all your needs.

About me

Dr. Monica Mastrantonio boasts a distinguished career spanning more than 23 years in the field of clinical psychology. Her expertise encompasses stress and crisis management, neurodiversity, relationships, and trauma, and she holds both a master’s and a PhD in Psychology. Currently, she serves as a dissertation supervisor at Arden University in the United Kingdom. Dr. Mastrantonio is a respected author within the realm of Psychology, with a portfolio comprising academic articles and self-help books. Her commitment and passion lie in aiding individuals dealing with mental health challenges.

#Clinical Licensed Psychologist at CRP since 1993  (private practice) over 26 years, and at American Psychological Association

#Researcher in the field of Future Dissociations, Anxiety, and Mental Health; SDG’s and personality

#Senior lecturer and supervisor in the field of Social and Applied Psychology over 20 years

#Fiction Author as Margareth Stewart past 5 years

Professional experience

Anxiety, stress, depression, relationships

Clinical Approaches

Diplomas and Certificates

Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD in Psychology

Educational Background

Bachelor’s degree in Psychology

Master’s degree in Social Psychology

Ph.D. in Social Psychology

Languages Known And Proficiency Levels

English,  Italian, Portuguese

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